5 Best Practices for Landing Page Conversion Optimization

The goal of any digital entity such as a website or blog is to generate conversions. Traffic is...

Convert 13% More with Improved Form Fills

While we argue about the importance of every new field in a lead capture, we go mad when we have legal obligations to get...

Why Internet Retailers Love On-Site Video

The field of eCommerce continues to grow as a major leader in retail revenue in the United States. According to...

Top 5 Platforms for A/B Testing

A/B testing is a critical technique to test different versions of your website in order to know which version yields the best...

5 Simple Ways to Use Video to Boost Your Site Conversion

A user’s website experience is determined within seconds. Users judge fonts, texts, images and media quickly, and...

Online Videos: 5 Elements to Test to Boost Conversion

While video has enhanced the overall customer experience for individuals who choose to do their shopping online and...