
conversion rate optimization

Supercharge Your Sales Team with Essential Tools for Success

Sales professionals rely on sales tools to enhance their efficiency and productivity, making them crucial...

Keep a Close Eye on These 15 Key Sales Performance Metrics

Evaluating the performance of a sales team is essential to determine its impact on an...

6 Digital Adoption Predictions for 2024

Digital adoption has been growing at an unprecedented rate in recent years, and it shows no signs...

Debunking 7 Common Myths About Digital Adoption

Digital adoption has become a buzzword in recent years as more and more businesses have started...

5 Efficient Salesforce Training Tools

Salesforce is the leading CRM software that helps businesses to manage their customer...

The Detrimental Effects of Inadequate IT Visibility on Your Business

In today's digital age, information technology (IT) plays a critical role in the successes of...

5 Best Practices for Landing Page Conversion Optimization

by Toonimo

The goal of any digital entity such as a website or blog is to generate conversions. Traffic is...

Convert 13% More with Improved Form Fills

by Toonimo

While we argue about the importance of every new field in a lead capture, we go mad when we have legal obligations to get...

5 Simple Ways to Use Video to Boost Your Site Conversion

by Toonimo

A user’s website experience is determined within seconds. Users judge fonts, texts, images and media quickly, and...

Online Videos: 5 Elements to Test to Boost Conversion

by Toonimo

While video has enhanced the overall customer experience for individuals who choose to do their shopping online and...

5 Reasons Marketers Love Using Animations To Boost Conversion

by Toonimo

Cartoon animations can be a powerful marketing tool for online marketers. Whether marketers choose an animated...

How Visual Graphics Can Increase Convsersions

by Toonimo

Even today, content remains king of the internet. While content is the dominant force online, it's being chased...

Split Testing in Email Marketing: Tips and Tricks

by Toonimo

For all aspects of digital marketing, split testing (aka A/B testing) is what of the most important methods of...

Post-Conversion Tips to Increase Long Term Customer Value

by Toonimo

Many marketers spend significant time on acquiring new customers, while almost ignoring the...

Two Answers Provide Endless Split Testing Potential

by Toonimo

Any online business has read the endless articles, blogs and interviews with leading conversion...

3 Must Have Onsite Conversion Tools: Yotpo, Toonimo and LiveChat

by Toonimo

Since its infancy, businesses have measured site traffic solely based on page views. With time...

Changing E-Commerce Conversion Funnels with Simple Statistics

by Toonimo

In the world of e-commerce, every brand works extremely hard to improve conversion rates. The...

Timing is Everything in Conversions

by Toonimo

Most companies find reducing the page loading time a simpler task. But, for some reason, miss...

How to Score Big Conversions During the Super Bowl

by Toonimo

Advertising during the Super Bowl enables a brand to engage with relevant audiences and...

3 Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

by Toonimo

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is key to increasing the ROI of your website. If you have a

Site Navigation: Increased Conversions in Under 30 Seconds

by Toonimo

Your website has a lot of information to convey, too much information in fact to be consumed at a...

Introducing New Site Features to Your Customers

by Toonimo

For some of us in the tech world, when introducing a new product or feature in our business, we envision...

Keep Users Focused With Personalized User Guidance

by Toonimo

The Internet is a busy place and full of distractions to derail your customers from keeping focus and following through...

JVL Jewelry Increases Sales by 7% with Toonimo

by Toonimo

Toonimo is proud to share a customer success story, JVL Jewelry, which implemented the solution on its jewelry e-commerce site.

How a Human Voice Can Increase Your Website Sales

by Toonimo

When it comes to your retail website, if you can’t capture your visitors’ attention –and keep it from...

How to Reduce Customer Support Costs

by Toonimo

When new and existing customers visit your support pages – this is where...

Looking for new ways to improve conversion rate?

by Toonimo

Conversion rate managers, customer experience professionals and marketing managers understand the importance of effective...

Proven Ways To Improve Customer Effort Score (CES)

by Toonimo

Customers are first and foremost the lifeblood of any business operation. Without them, there is no business. Gauging...

User Onboarding: All You Need To Know Before Starting

by Toonimo

User onboarding is represented as the process that users go through when testing out a new product. Recent studies show...

Top WalkMe Alternatives - 2017

by Toonimo

In an era where large quantities of data are changing hands all the time, companies are moving towards cloud based...

5 Efficient Salesforce Training Tools

by Toonimo

There are many effective ways to learn Salesforce. Each of the 5 listed options has merit...

WalkMe vs Whatfix 2017 Comparison

by Toonimo

Both WalkMe and Whatfix offer self-service tools for building online step-by-step walkthroughs. The differences between...

SAP SuccessFactors Online Training with Step-by-Step Walkthroughs

by Toonimo

SAP SuccessFactors is an all-inclusive human capital management (HCM) software solution that uses the cloud-based SaaS model. Their...

The Rise of New Online Training Softwares Copy

by Toonimo

The current solutions for training and onboarding can be divided into two categories. One is face-to-face (F2F) training which was onc...