Powerful Tools for Salesforce Admin

Written by Toonimo


Novel Ways to Enhance the Daily Tasks of Salesforce Admin

User training is an integral component of an effective Salesforce training regimen. Salesforce admin typically encounter multiple problems on a daily basis, many of them relating to the efficiency and effectiveness of onboarding programs. The challenges faced by Salesforce admins relate largely to how well users are engaged in the onboarding process, and how to effectively manage all of the data that is generated by it. The most difficult challenges faced by Salesforce admin include duplicate records, system integration, workflows, the training of users, managing profiles and roles, storage space, testing, data enrichment, document collection, compliance and auditing, regulatory issues, testing and security. However, the number one concern faced by Salesforce admin around the world is Duplicate records. This is evident when accounts have been created with multiple import troubles, system glitches, or input errors. The end result is clear: Duplicate records.
For Salesforce admins, the top 5 most critical topics include data duplication, email verification, migration and integration issues, configuration, and standardization. Other important issues that Salesforce administrators are faced with include address validation and data enrichment. Naturally, there are many inherent challenges to using Salesforce as an administrator. Fortunately, the presence of several innovative applications and tools allow for more efficient management of Salesforce admin duties.

Tailored Solutions to Salesforce Admin Problems

The primary concern for Salesforce admin is duplicate records. Several innovative apps make it possible to merge duplicate records with existing records, or block them entirely.

Cloudingo is one such example, and it is from the same family as DupeCatcher. For Salesforce admin, the ability to bulk delete, convert or update data is essential, especially for companies with hundreds, perhaps thousands of employees under their wing.

Another innovative tool used for the purposes of training new and existing employees is Toonimo training platform. Salesforce admin can utilize the customized graphics by way of an overlay on the existing webpage. Voice is added to enhance the walk-through and training, and assist at critical junctures. The personalization serves to eliminate confusion, enhance learning and increase engagement.

See Toonimo Salesforce Demo:

Salesforce admin tasks and duties are augmented by the use of Toonimo training platform, since it enhances the existing experience. The net result of the SaaS platform is increased engagement, personalised guidance for employees, and customization by way of a human voice. All of the data-related concerns are easily tracked with a comprehensive analytics dashboard. This allows for quick access to user activity, which is fully supportive of higher engagement and conversion rates.

Data Corruption and Duplication Disrupt Salesforce Admin Efficiency

Salesforce administrators are always scrutinizing data records and fields that need to be populated with information. This can prove to be a time-intensive process that results in significant workforce inefficiencies. There are several high-tech applications that allow for the running of reports on multiple fields encountered in the Salesforce program.
At the click of a few buttons, administrators are able to analyze all of the available data. Of course, there are useful tools for managing system integration and the training of users as well. Apps allow for the linking of Office 365 and Gmail to Salesforce, meaning that no redirects from the email client are necessary.
Workable solutions for Salesforce admin issues and onboarding

The good news about enhancing Salesforce for admin is that it actually benefits the entire team. Clean data is one of the biggest challenges facing Salesforce administrators. But more importantly it is essential to analyse that data vis-a-vis an effective Salesforce program by way of integration, enhanced productivity, successful onboarding and a higher ROI. It comes as no surprise that Salesforce administrators endure significant stress when it comes to the adoption of the CRM. Fortunately, the range of tools that are now available to address the real concerns faced by Salesforce administrators are easily adopted, minimally disruptive and highly effective.